• Introduction to Radiation:
o Types of radiation
o Units of radiation measurement
o Biological effects of radiation
• Radiation Protection Principles:
o ALARA principle
o Time, distance, and shielding
o Personal dosimetry
• Criticality Safety:
o Criticality accidents and their consequences
o Criticality safety principles and practices
• Reactor Design and Operation:
o Reactor types and components
o Reactor physics and thermal hydraulics
o Reactor control and safety systems
• Accident Analysis and Mitigation:
o Severe accident scenarios
o Emergency core cooling systems
o Containment systems
• Emergency Planning and Response:
o Emergency plans and procedures
o Emergency drills and exercises
o Communication and coordination
• Incident Response:
o Incident investigation and analysis
o Lessons learned and improvement actions
• Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials and Facilities:
o Security measures and barriers
o Personnel security
o Contingency planning for security incidents
• Nuclear Material Safeguards:
o IAEA safeguards and inspections
o National safeguards systems
o Nuclear material accountancy and control
• Human Factors in Nuclear Safety:
o Human error and its impact on safety
o Human-machine interface design
o Crew resource management
• Safety Culture:
o Promoting a safety-conscious culture
o Leadership and management commitment
o Employee involvement and participation